Join our third Online Group Relations Conference in South Africa: Complexity, role and connection - transforming our leadership
31 August - 4 September 2021
In five days of full immersion, you will:
- Learn to lead when boundaries and roles are shifting unpredictably
- Study the ‘invisible’ dynamics affecting organisations
- Explore the power of working with the 'elephant in the room'
- Experience the interplay between anxiety, change, resistance and performance
- Confront the hidden biases that affect how you ‘show up’ in the moment
- Discover the complexity of fully taking up your own authority
- All of this and more - if you dare to learn from your experience...
This conference is a joint project by The Institute for Leadership and Transformation (TILT) and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
What others say:
"I became aware of so many obviously ineffective patterns in my style of leadership and consulting." |
“This was one of the most profound experiences of my life. You created a space where I could face my own shadow." |
“This was a tremendously valuable experience. I don’t think you can fully appreciate the magnitude of what has been done here." |
“I find that I come away from these experiences challenged, deeply reflective and in some ways fundamentally challenged. I also learn to see systems, people and interactions very differently i.e. I find myself seeing patterns in ways I never could before." |